Debugging* pages

David Farning dfarning at
Tue Mar 6 21:17:59 UTC 2007

On Tue, 2007-03-06 at 15:42 +0100, Henrik Nilsen Omma wrote:
> Hi,

> I guess the question is: should these pages be targeted at end-users or 
> community debuggers and is it possible to makes pages that work for both?

We have found that it is easier to have different pages for end-user,
triagers, and developers.

1.  This allow us to keep things as simple a possible on the end-user
page.  Simple is good;)
2.  The triager page is quite a bit more in depth.  A triager is a
developer, they just haven't realized it yet;)
3.  Developer page is more in depth.

It is easier to read the more targeted pages.
It is actually easier to write the more targeted page.  Things just seem
to fit better;)  

David Farning <dfarning at>

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