Applications Section of SFW

Phil Bull philbull at
Mon Jul 30 14:15:33 UTC 2007

Hi Dougie,

On Mon, 2007-07-30 at 12:35 +0100, Dougie Richardson wrote:
> I've done that. I had to patch gnome-menus-C.ent to add an entity for
> Ekiga too.

It looks good, I like it. I noticed a few small errors in

 * Under 'Installing Applications', the info box has outdated
instructions on accessing unsupported software (the checkboxes it refers
to are no longer there)
 * The name of the table under 'Ubuntu equivalents to Windows programs'
is missing a word at the end
 * "It cannot communicate with Skype because it uses proprietary
technology" - suggests that Ekiga uses proprietary technology rather
than Skype
 * Typos, Photshop -> Photoshop, Picassa -> Picasa, "catalogue phots" ->
"catalog photos" (we have to use the American spelling of catalogue)

Apart from those small issues, it's probably ready to commit. I'll
commit your gnome-menus-C patch now.



Phil Bull

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