Switching to Windows (was Re: Mentoring Program)

Phil Bull philbull at gmail.com
Fri Jul 27 07:56:43 UTC 2007

Hi Matt,

On Fri, 2007-07-27 at 08:21 +0100, Matthew East wrote:
> At the moment the installer basically uses the same system as the
> installed version of Ubuntu, which makes it quite difficult to have
> different documentation. The full version of Switching to Windows is
> included in the part of the livecd which appears when you insert the CD
> while running Windows (I hope, I've never tried it!). However, I'd like
> to discuss with the developers the possibility of including such a
> document in the livecd environment when people are trying Ubuntu, as a
> marketing tool and to convince them that they can easily switch from
> Windows.

I don't think that the SFW made it onto the Live CD for Feisty :(

I'll open a bug for this.



Phil Bull

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