gobuntu docs

Jordan Mantha mantha at ubuntu.com
Sat Jul 14 18:29:23 UTC 2007

On Sat Jul 14, 2007 at 10:57:11PM +0930, Karl Goetz wrote:
> hi all,
> i was wondering what the situation would be with the 'gobuntu' release
> and documentation?

I wonder how much of our documentation they will ship. Everything but the
Packaging Guide is CC-By-SA 2.5 which isn't DFSG-free. I'm not sure what
Gobuntu's stance would be but it might be interesting. I have a feeling
they will be missing a whole lot of documentation, gcc, emacs, texlive,
etc. which is sad.

> presumably it will exclude all the instructions on installing non-free
> software (otherwise the point of the release is defeated).

I don't think that's something we can presume. Many people, I imagine, will
start with Gobuntu and then add on from there. It's something that will
have to be decided. The big question for Gobuntu is going to be, "What is


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