Updating java instructions

Dean Sas dean at deansas.org
Sun Jan 28 21:12:32 UTC 2007

Matthew Flaschen wrote:
> Dean Sas wrote:
>> I've attached a patch that updates the java instructions to just install
>> them from multiverse. I also stuck in a bit about installing
>> build-essential.
> I know this isn't strictly relevant to your patch, but this page doesn't
> make clear that complete (though imperfect) open source JDKs exist, or
> even that Sun's JDK is proprietary.

As far as I remember Suns java stack will be released under the GPL this 
year, if not in time for feisty then for feisty + 1 making it free 
enough for me, I'm not going to put the (admittedly small) effort into 
writing about other java stacks. If someone else does that's fine though.


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