The TOC for Server Guide

Bhuvaneswaran bhuvan at
Fri Jan 12 04:27:31 UTC 2007

On 1/12/07, Matthew East <mdke at> wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Hi,
> * Bhuvaneswaran:
> > At first look, it involves lot of work. But i'm sure I should be able
> > to get most of things in place on time (i assume the docs string
> > freeze will be sometime during mid Mar 2006?).
> 8 March:
> > I've a feel that this
> > time wiki pages will come handy for couple of topics.
> >
> > For the record -- In addition to altering existing topics to suit
> > their latest versions, we should prepare the material fresh for
> > following topics:
> {snip}
> That's a lot of topics!! OK, let's do our best, the wiki should help a
> lot. Do you want to work on generic/serverguide for now? Then we can
> ship that (standalone) version in a separate package for server
> installations and ship a modified version for the desktop help system.

Yeah, I think we can have generic/serverguide going. We can ship that
version in a separate package for server installations. We can fork
one from it to modify for desktop help system.

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