[xubuntu-docs patch] First patch for Feisty

Rich Johnson nixternal at ubuntu.com
Fri Jan 5 00:05:25 UTC 2007

On Thursday 04 January 2007 17:03, Jeremy Visser wrote:
| On 1/5/07, Cody Somerville <cody.somerville at gmail.com> wrote:
| > Change 6.06 to 7.04 in the about html document
| Oh yeah, that reminds me. In Edubuntu 6.10, the default Firefox start
| page says "Welcome to Edubuntu 6.10, the Edgy Eft" or whatever, but
| the <head><title> element still says it's 6.06 LTS.
| Don't forget to update both the heading and title element for the
| start page in Feisty.

The Edubuntu start page is stored elsewhere. That issue is known and should be 
taken care of for 7.04.

Rich Johnson
nixternal at ubuntu.com
GPG Key: 0x2E2C0124
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