merging subdomains

Rich Johnson nixternal at
Wed Jan 3 22:33:32 UTC 2007

On Wednesday 03 January 2007 15:54, Matthew East wrote:
| What do you guys think about trying to merge and
| Although a big fan of subdomains I know that it's a
| confusing thing to have too many without a clear reason, and I can't see
| one for these subdomains: they are both currently used for internal
| docteam related stuff.
| I'd propose moving everything at to,
| leaving the svn repo where it is, and redirecting to
| just to sort out any broken links.
| I need to investigate a bit further the technical difficulties behind
| this, but if it can be done without compromising our current working
| processes, what do people think?
| --
| Matthew East

Sounds very much needed if you ask me. Hopefully this will prevent some of the 
confusion between doc.ubuntu and help.ubuntu. Not many people know about 
docteam.ubuntu unless they read the DocTeam/Repo page on the wiki.

Rich Johnson
nixternal at
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