Edubuntu directory in trunk
Matthew East
mdke at
Wed Jan 3 22:01:32 UTC 2007
Hash: SHA1
* Rich Johnson:
> | Of course the question of duplication comes up again. In order to make
> | Feisty release it would make sense to focus handbook efforts on areas
> | that distinguish edubuntu from ubuntu (LTSP, SCP etc.) without
> | duplicating too much of the ubuntu documentation but referencing it.
> Very true. I am going to go through the sections and do just that, which will
> simplify a decent portion of the entire handbook.
> | The Topic Based approach therefore greatly interests me in the context
> | of the handbook. How do you think we should proceed with this? Are there
> | any specific pitfalls or areas we should be watchful for?
> The Handbook could definitely be used to create a topic based approach. I am
> going to go out on a limb and say we could start separating it for a topic
> based approach, which oddly enough was the original way I had set the
> handbook up. Since Edubuntu uses Yelp for it's help system, I would rather
> one of the GNOME guys step up and say yes it will be good, or why not wait a
> release until it is perfected.
Everything is possible, but make sure that you have clear ideas about a
few things:
* Would you be aiming to integrate the handbook material with
ubuntu-docs material in a topic based structure, or rather simply create
a free-standing topic based structure for Edubuntu?
* In both cases it will mean extending the Ubuntu patch on yelp a little
bit to provide for Edubuntu documents - this is no problem.
* In the former case you'd need edubuntu-docs to depend on ubuntu-docs,
which might raise some (resolvable) issues with (off the top of my
head): the firefox homepage, cd space, and so on.
* In the latter case you need to decide how to handle other system
documentation that might be installed: should it appear on the front
page alongside the edubuntu specific material? If not, should there be
some other way of seeing it?
Just some points to get discussion going. No doubt there are more things
to consider too.
- --
Matthew East
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