Links in the documentation

Phil Bull philbull at
Sat Feb 24 18:37:21 UTC 2007

Hi guys,

I wrote a little script (couldn't find an existing one) to check links
in the SVN docs. I've attached the output of the script.

It seems that about a quarter of all external links are to the wiki (76)
and h.u.c (33). I'm guessing that a lot of the links to the wiki might
have to be updated to point at relocated pages on h.u.c. Also, about 10
links return 404 errors. I'll try to fix these tonight.

I was also wondering if it would make sense to tag the wiki/h.u.c pages
linked-to from the installed docs, so that anyone changing/moving them
is aware that they're in the docs? Maybe something like



Phil Bull
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