
Matthew East mdke at
Fri Feb 16 14:15:51 UTC 2007

On Fri, February 16, 2007 3:08 pm, Jonathan Jesse wrote:
> Isn't what's new supposed to be covered in the release notes?

Yes. I agree with mpt - the marketing and new features stuff is done on
the website and in the release notes, which is shown to users in at least
the following situations:

1. When dist-upgrading with the update-manager route.
2. When opening firefox for the first time after dist-upgrading.

The help is not a useful place to introduce these features. I'm personally
not sure that we can realistically maintain a document dealing with what
needs to be done different since Ubuntu 6.10, it will take a lot of effort
on a release-by-release basis, serious interaction with the developers and
probably more resources than we have.

That's why my view is that the "New to Ubuntu" section should cater for
people who are new to Ubuntu per se, rather than for those who are also
new to this specific release of Ubuntu. I think the more organised we get
and the more contributors we have, maybe my view on that will change in
the future.

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