
Matthew East mdke at
Tue Feb 13 08:54:27 UTC 2007

On Tue, February 13, 2007 9:45 am, Phil Bull wrote:
> Hi Matt,
> On Tue, 2007-02-13 at 09:15 +0100, Matthew East wrote:
>> On Mon, February 12, 2007 10:30 pm, Phil Bull wrote:
>> > Hi guys,
>> >
>> > First of all, sorry for sending so much mail to the list!
>> >
>> > I'm attaching 'laptops.xml', which includes a few topics hopefully
>> > useful for laptop users. Does anyone have any thoughts, comments or
>> > suggestions about this?
>> It looks rather good. The main issue I have is not knowing where to put
>> it, as I already mentioned on the other thread.
> Thanks. Do you foresee that there will be many more topics on 'mobile
> computing', maybe to do with PDAs and synchronisation, bluetooth and the
> like? If so, maybe that would be an appropriate new category.

Well, there will be whatever new material people can contribute I guess,
but my real problem, as I said on the other thread, is that we have a
large number of topics which look rather unweildy, and adding more is
something I'm uncomfortable with.

I'm still leaning towards converting the Printing topics into something
which deals with all hardware related matters, if we can find an
appropriate way to express it.

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