Additions to office.xml

Phil Bull philbull at
Thu Feb 8 17:30:54 UTC 2007

Hi Matthew,

On Thu, 2007-02-08 at 23:24 +1300, Matthew Paul Thomas wrote:
> >>  * Science and education packages
> >
> > No idea. Maybe mpt has some ideas.
> I think these aren't really relevant to help on the OS-in-general, not 
> least because they aren't installed by default. The help is not a 
> software catalogue; that role is much better filled by Add/Remove 
> Applications. (The only time I think we should mention specific 
> packages is where you need to install them to get features that people 
> would normally expect an OS to offer out-of-the-box.)
> I see that Add/Remove Programs doesn't currently have a Science 
> category, though -- maybe you could propose it.

That's fair enough.

The Science category of applications is split between Education and
Other at the minute. There's a bug open about this somewhere, but that's
more to do with the Applications menu.

> >>  * Editing audio/video
> >>  * Burning a CD/DVD
> >>  * Making an audio CD
> >
> > These should all already exist under "Music, Video and Photos".
> >
> >> I know the last two are there, but they're both in a little section in
> >> 'Music and Video'/'Music', when I think they should probably have
> >> sections of their own.
> >
> > I think these are in the appropriate place, to be honest.
> > ...
> Perhaps Phil is referring to help on burning data CDs/DVDs, as opposed 
> to music CDs or movie DVDs? The former I would put in the same category 
> as help on using external hard disks, floppy disks, USB sticks, etc. In 
> my original outline I called this category "Disks and devices". 
> Possibly there would be room for it in "Documents, files, and folders" 
> (which could become "Documents, disks, and devices"), but that would 
> depend on how much that category was already crowded with 
> file-management-related topics.

Yes, I think data CD burning is common enough (and sometimes problematic
enough) that it should be given more of a mention.

It seems that the categories we have aren't set in stone yet, which
makes it a little difficult to categorise some things appropriately.
Would it make sense to use the 'misc' category to temporarily hold some
topics until they can be moved somewhere more appropriate?



Phil Bull

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