PDF quality of Ubuntu Desktop Guide

Duncan Lithgow dlithgow at gmail.com
Tue Feb 6 08:30:46 UTC 2007

On Mon, 2007-02-05 at 22:42 +0000, Matthew East wrote:
> If producing PDFs was high priority, then we might even look into
> alternative software, trying new versions of the software we used, etc.
> But it isn't really.
I can't argue with that, it seems reasonable to me.

> Two documents we maintain that might be useful for PDF production are
> the Server Guide, and the Switching from Windows guide. If someone wants
> to look into the current and alternative solutions for building PDF from
> docbook, I will help point them in the right direction, so let me know.
I'd like to give it a shot if I get some time, so how do I grab the
docbook file?


Linux user: 372812 | GPG key ID: 21A8C63A | http://lithgow-schmidt.dk
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