Additions to office.xml
Matthew Flaschen
matthew.flaschen at
Mon Feb 5 06:18:12 UTC 2007
Phil Bull wrote:
> Hi guys,
> Some more changes, this time to office.xml. I've added two new sections,
> 'Sending documents to other people' and 'Finding clipart to use in
> documents'.
> Does anyone have any comments on these, or suggestions on further
> sections for the Office topic?
Two things. You may have disabled it, but by default a message will pop
up saying:
"This document may contain formatting or content that cannot be saved in
the Microsoft Word 97/2000/XP format? Do you want to save the document
in this format anyway? [...]"
I've attached the dialog box. This is important for a couple reasons.
First, complex documents will usually save wrong, *even if* the complex
functionality is available in the Word 97 format. People should be
aware of this.
However, the box is mostly an ad for ODT, and people who are just
writing simple documents shouldn't panic; a heads-up in the doc helps a lot.
Second, it's worth mentioning how to easily send the document. A lot of
people don't know how to manually attach documents. I recommend
mentioning the File -> Send -> Document as Email (it will send a copy of
the document in the current format).
In fact, there's even a File -> Send -> Email as Microsoft Word, which
we may or may not want to bring up.
Matthew Flaschen
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