Xubuntu documentation ideas

George Lesica glesica at gmail.com
Sat Dec 22 07:52:04 UTC 2007

if we can't get the license issues resolved (maybe jim or cody can ask
the xfce people about dual-licensing? thoughts?) then maybe we can
just identify key sections and rewrite those as needed? i hate license
crap :-(


On Dec 21, 2007 11:19 PM, Richard A. Johnson <nixternal at kubuntu.org> wrote:
> On Friday 21 December 2007, cody-somerville at ubuntu.com wrote:
> | Hi Jim,
> |
> |  If I understand correctly, you wish to duplicate the Xfce4
> | documentation in our documentation? If so, what benefit does this
> | provide? Wouldn't be lose the translation that occurs upstream? Also,
> | is there even docs for 4.4 yet?
> From the look of upstream, there isn't much translation, more could honestly
> be done here within Ubuntu with Rosetta. However, Xfce docs are GPL v2, which
> means they would have to either dual license their documentation to include
> CC-by-SA 2.5 or newer or you would have to GPL v2 the Xubuntu docs.
> By doing GPL on Xubuntu docs, you can't use the documentation from the wiki as
> it is licensed CC-by-SA. So there is a catch 22.
> There are some docs for 4.4 in their repos, but they do not look complete.
> This is a tricky one, and you are facing the same issues we are with Kubuntu
> by having CC-by-SA documentation. Kubuntu makes changes to the application to
> the point that some of the documentation for the applications is inaccurate,
> so instead of copying, we have to write out full documentation, or link to
> the current documentation with a note on how we changed it. This is fine, but
> it takes away from the current documentation since the help application in
> KDE 3.5 doesn't have the capabilities to go back and forth.
> --
> Richard A. Johnson
> nixternal at kubuntu.org
> GPG Key: 0x2E2C0124
> --
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~ George T. Lesica
glesica at gmail.com

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