Xubuntu documentation ideas

cody-somerville at ubuntu.com cody-somerville at ubuntu.com
Fri Dec 21 23:42:15 UTC 2007

Hi Jim,

 If I understand correctly, you wish to duplicate the Xfce4
documentation in our documentation? If so, what benefit does this
provide? Wouldn't be lose the translation that occurs upstream? Also,
is there even docs for 4.4 yet?


Cody A.W. Somerville

On 12/20/07, Jim Campbell <jwcampbell at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Gang,
> I'd like to give a brief rundown on some topics I've been thinking of in
> regards to Xubuntu documentation.  Part of this comes from a brief IRC
> discussion last night, but other parts come from just things I've been
> thinking of lately.
> We don't currently have any documentation that relates to the Xfce-specific
> elements of Xubuntu.  We are going to rectify that.  I need to review our
> current Desktop Configuration section, but was thinking of including
> Desktop configuration
> - Hardware settings
>  -- Set monitor display settings
> - Appearance
>  -- Select icons and themes
>  -- Install new icons and themes
>  -- Desktop transparency
>  -- Change panel layout
>  -- Configure fonts
>  -- Install fonts
>  -- Other?
> - Desktop preferences
>  -- Install panel applets
>  -- Configure panel applets
>  -- Change Thunar preferences
>  -- Change Xfce4-Terminal preferences
>  -- Change Mousepad preferences
> - Other?
> To set up the following, we should pull Xfce docs from Xfce SVN, and
> incorporate their info so that some changes can be pushed upstream once
> we're done.  I'm thinking of collecting docs from:
> - Xfce4-terminal
> - Mousepad
> - Thunar
> - Panel
> - Panel Applets (some / all?)
> - Other?
> Other topics:
> - I'm taking steps to learn packaging with the initial modest goal of being
> able to package our documentation.  Please don't ask me to package more than
> that right now.  :]
> - Xubuntu-documentation-browser - Our docs look way more professional and
> are much easier to navigate in Yelp than in a web browser.  Now that we have
> a set of packaged documentation (the Gutsy docs), we could successfully test
> how the doc browser works against our current documentation setup.
> Giusseppe, would you have any interest in reviving the Xubuntu documentation
> browser project (assuming that others didn't criticise the project too much
> for reinventing the wheel)?  IIRC, we can now build Xubuntu with packages in
> Universe, so the doc browser would not have to be in Main.  If Yelp can be
> built w/o Gnome Libs, then that would be okay with me, too.  If Yelp cannot
> be built w/o the heavy Gnome libs, then I would prefer the Xubuntu
> documentation browser.
> This is all for now.  I wanted to start this discussion amongst the team,
> but I recognize that these ideas aren't complete.  Please share your
> comments and thoughts.  Thanks!
> Jim


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