vi or nano in tutorial?

George Lesica glesica at
Sun Dec 2 09:19:55 UTC 2007

read the rest of the thread... i agreed that if such a linkable page
existed that would be best. but as of this moment such a page does not
exist (at least not a page that covered all editors). we settled it
already, but thanks for the input.


On Dec 1, 2007 6:11 AM, Matthew East <mdke at> wrote:
> On 30/11/2007, George Lesica <glesica at> wrote:
> > well the basic point of a tutorial (which is what this is) is to have
> > a self-contained set of instructions for how to accomplish some
> > specific task. given this, i think it's better to sacrifice a little
> > bit of generality for simplicity and cohesion.
> The whole point of having a wiki for documentation is that each page
> needn't be "self-contained". Using general instructions (e.g. "Open
> file X in a [:link:text editor]"), and linking to a page which gives
> further details for a separate subject, as proposed by Michael and
> Mathias, is the preferred way of doing things, because it's the best
> way to ensure that people of different levels of knowledge can dip
> into the page.
> See for example the way wikipedia uses comprehensive linking to
> related concepts instead of explaining each concept on every page.
> --
> Matthew East
> gnupg pub 1024D/0E6B06FF
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~ George T. Lesica
glesica at

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