Team Mentoring

Phil Bull philbull at
Sat Dec 1 12:55:23 UTC 2007

Hi Matt,

On Wed, 2007-11-28 at 15:56 +1100, Matt Geeraets wrote:
> I am interested in working on System and User Documentation within
> Ubuntu. I have a passion for I.T, and I'm looking to broaden my career
> portfolio by getting into Technical Writing.
> I am an avid user of Ubuntu, and have been a Debian user since 1999.
> While I don't have all the technical skills such as Bash scripting or
> C, I have installed X windows with KDE and Gnome well over 100 times.
> I'm not afraid to fire up vi and edit config files.
> I would like to enrol me in the Team Mentoring programme, and will add
> myself to the Student List.

Welcome to the team! Are there any specific areas of documentation that
you would be interested in working on?



Phil Bull

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