Dougie Richardson
ddrichardson at
Wed Aug 29 20:02:14 UTC 2007
Hi Phil,
I've tried it both ways - as a flat connecting.xml file and one that splits
off to basics.xml wireless.xml, adsl.xml and modem.xml.
The flat file looks huge and frankly quite daunting - personally I prefer
splitting it - it looks much less crowded and I seem to have (somehow)
managed to avoid any redundancy. From internet.xml we have:
The only redundancy at the moment is in the troubleshooting, but that said I
haven't gone throught the original section yet - I was hoping to get that
done tonight.
Like you say - its where users expect to find it - looking at the majority
of postings on the forum, people tend to say "can't get wireless to work"
rather than "can't connect" so this way we are using the sections as a guide
in themselves pointing the user to the correct page - keeping the searching
to a minimum.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Phil Bull" <philbull at>
To: "Dougie Richardson" <ddrichardson at>
Cc: "Ubuntu Doc Team" <ubuntu-doc at>
Sent: Wednesday, August 29, 2007 8:45 PM
Subject: Re: Internet
> Hi Dougie,
> On Tue, 2007-08-28 at 22:39 +0100, Dougie Richardson wrote:
>> Finally back up and running, I've finished dealing with wireless,
>> especially troubleshooting and WPA. Was wondering though with the new
>> layout to the Internet section how to incorporate this.
>> I think there is too much information to have in the one pane, i.e.
>> embedded in connecting.xml and think it would be better in its own
>> section. I know we've discussed this, but I think it may work to split
>> it as follows:
>> Internet
>> ----Connecting
>> --------Wired
>> --------Wireless
>> --------USB ADSL
>> --------Modem
>> ----Samba/Shares, etc
>> ----Using (all the internet apps, firefox etc..)
>> ----Troubleshooting (general including links to dedicated sections in
>> the four connecting sections)
>> If people are happy as is then should I put the wireless
>> troubleshooting in with the troubleshooting tools in connecting?
> I suppose it comes down to where the user would expect that
> documentation to be found. If information on troubleshooting connections
> is most likely to be needed when someone is initially trying to connect,
> then I suppose putting it in 'Connecting' would be the most sensible.
> I do share your concerns about having a navigation pane which is too
> crowded, though. Would all of the smaller troubleshooting sections be
> part of one main section in Connecting if we did it that way (e.g.
> Wired, Wireless, ..., Troubleshooting)?
> Thanks,
> Phil
> --
> Phil Bull
> --
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