Joining the Ubuntu Team

Phil Bull philbull at
Wed Aug 22 15:12:58 UTC 2007


On Mon, 2007-08-20 at 22:00 +0530, Parthasarathy Gopalan wrote: 
> My name is Dr G Parthasarathy. I am a medical microbiologist working
> in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands of India (Paradise on earth :)). I
> just started with Ubuntu and want to join the team as a contributor. I
> would require mentoring initially. But I am otherwise fairly well
> versed with Linux and FreeBSD. I also have an RHCE (2005). Let me know
> if I can help and in what way. I have a broad band connection at home
> and will be available for 2-4 hours almost every day.

Welcome! Is there anything that you're specifically interested in
working on?

I'm afraid I've run out of ideas for what needs to be done, but I'm sure
someone else will be able to make some suggestions.



Phil Bull

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