Tracker Documentation Question

Matthew East mdke at
Tue Aug 14 07:27:00 UTC 2007


On 14/08/07, Dawid van Wyngaard <dawid at> wrote:
>  Hi,
>  I want to start with some basic docs on Tracker for Gutsy.

Great! Good idea.

> I had a look at the current "Search for Files" which refers to Nautilus. My questions as follows:
>  [1] Where would one put the Tracker topic?

This is a difficult question because the existing section we've linked
to in the help system is part of the Gnome upstream manual and doesn't
address tracker currently.

Given that we already have a "Managing Files > Searching for files"
page, we need to work with that. Probably this should be done by
including an extra section in the existing manual, if tracker
complements the nautilus feature; or rewriting the existing section,
if tracker replaces the nautilus feature.

You can simply write the material if you like, and I'll add it to our
branch of gnome-user-docs [1] which I started playing with yesterday.
Or, if you'd like to try using bzr, you can check out the branch
yourself and make a patch.

If tracker is also included with standard Gnome (don't *think* it is,
but not sure), then we should try and get the material included
upstream too.


Matthew East
gnupg pub 1024D/0E6B06FF

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