I would like to help improving Ubuntu

BUI XUAN DUONG buixuanduong1983 at gmail.com
Thu Aug 9 03:35:28 UTC 2007


My name is BUI XUAN DUONG, 25 year old, I am from Vietnam. I started using
Ubuntu for nearly haft a year, and I think that is the best thing I can
receive for free. I feel myself must do something to give back - to thank to
all of you who pay many time and effort to create and maintain this very
nice project.

Can I have a help: how can I join and do something to involve with you? I
read about DocuMENTORS, and I would like to have some guide about it.

Best regard

Automation Engineer
ABB Vietnam Rep. Office
Mobile: 0989209630
Email: buixuanduong1983 at gmail.com
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