PATCH: Explains orange square, blue arrows

Matthew Paul Thomas mpt at
Tue Aug 7 07:02:09 UTC 2007

Matthew Paul Thomas wrote:
> I am not suggesting Ubuntu Help should become much smaller than it is.
> Rather, I think it should concentrate on covering topics that don't
> belong elsewhere. For example, none of these searches return useful
> results in Ubuntu 7.04:
> *   "What does the orange square mean?"

Attached is a patch that should make that first search work. (I'm not
running Gutsy, so I can't test the search myself.)

This patch also directs people to the Help button in the Users & Groups
window, rather than providing a duplicate set of help for that window.
And it tweaks the terminology to refer to setting up user accounts,
rather than "creating" "users", lest people think this is a sex manual. :-)

Matthew Paul Thomas
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