Kubuntu Release Notes

Rich Johnson nixternal at ubuntu.com
Tue Sep 19 03:45:51 UTC 2006

To those of you who follow the commits list, you will notice that I added 
quite a bit and changed around the Kubuntu Release Notes. Also, with the 21st 
being our new Freeze date, I need to hurry up and get this ready for release. 
If you could please, just go over it, create patches if you would like, but 
remember, I am constantly messing around with it, so you patch may become 
obsolete rather quickly. You can however just reply back to this email with 
some suggestions, and pointers. I know there are still some crude sections, 
and I am working on getting them fixed up as well.

Jonathan, take a look as well, since you are the maintainer of this 

Thanks everyone!

Richard Johnson <> nixternal at ubuntu.com
ubuntu.com <> kubuntu.com <> edubuntu.com <> xubuntu.com <> chi.ubuntu-us.com
online everywhere as nixternal
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