brief patch

Phil Bull philbull at
Fri Sep 8 23:48:16 UTC 2006

Hi guys,

I've attached Yet Another Patch(TM), which replaces last night's. It
adds lots of new material (especially in whyswitch.xml) and improves a
few sections which weren't complete.

Here are some TODO items for the Ubuntu version of the guide:

 * Test data-loss-sensitive instructions (priority)
 * Write about partitioning in installing.xml section (priority)
 * Provide illustrative screenshots of tricky operations, such as
 * Write/merge an introduction into intro.xml
 * Write authentication chapter (may possibly defer this until edgy+1)
 * Spell-checking and document review

I'm confident that the guide will be ready before DocString Freeze on
the 14th. Please let us know what you think.

This latest patch can also be found in PDF format[1].




Phil Bull
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