Recommending EasyUbuntu (was Re: fliers to accompany cds)

Matthew East mdke at
Tue May 30 11:13:41 UTC 2006

On Tue, 2006-05-30 at 21:06 +1000, Melissa Draper wrote:
> > Also EasyUbuntu is mentioned on the flyer, it is definitely better to
> > refer to
> Are you totally sure it would better? I think it would dissuade people 
> from switching to ubuntu/linux if to get things working, we dumped them 
> in CLI. The target audience are windows migrants, who are generally 
> dependant on clicking icons to get things done. I know the easyubuntu 
> link is on that page and all, but the heap of CLI things on there is 
> only going to confuse the migrant immensely.

The solutions described in the desktop guides (I would recomment you to
cite that rather than the RestrictedFormats page, which is extremely
complex and scary) generally involve graphical applications. In the case
of flash, java and codecs (the problems mentioned in the flyer), no
terminal is necessary.

FWIW, Venkat is one of the developers of EasyUbuntu, so you're getting a
totally objective opinion.

mdke at
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