Gksudo used instead of sudo in ubuntu-docs

Robin Sonefors ozamosi at blinkenlights.se
Sun May 28 16:15:20 UTC 2006

According to the wiki, you shouldn't run graphical applications with
sudo, or else bad things will happen to you. 

Unfortunately, it doesn't really go into any details about why or how,
which makes everyone sound like your typical conservative: "No, don't do
drugs OR ELSE!". While the topic is up, and we're in the mailing list we
are, it might not be inappropriate to ask: Why?

sön 2006-05-28 klockan 19:00 +0300 skrev Ari Torhamo:
> Hi,
> When tranlating the Desktop Guide (ubuntu-docs in Rosetta), I found a
> sentence that advices to use Gksudo to run Gedit with administrative
> privileges. I thought to ask if this is correct, because I thought sudo
> is what one should use in this situation. The item in question is number
> 188 in ubuntu-docs.
> Regards,
> Ari
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