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Sebastian Heinlein - glatzor liste at
Sun May 28 15:19:47 UTC 2006

Am Sonntag, den 28.05.2006, 14:35 +0100 schrieb Matthew East:
> On Sun, 2006-05-28 at 21:31 +0800, Jerome Gotangco wrote:
> > Well in all honesty, we (me, mvo, glatzor) did discuss it before in
> > the desktop channel but was only limited for g-a-i itself, but yes,
> > this should have been distributed all throughout (apologiies).
> > 
> > Not to mention stuff like this is a shoo-in for the styleguide.
> Well, I think that if a decision has really been taken to change the
> vocabulary used for something like this, it should have been decided by
> the technical board and implemented throught the distribution. Having
> one word for the g-a-i tools and one word for the rest of the world is
> really not helpful.
> Matt

By the way software-properties uses the term "software channel", too.


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