Repositories, archive, sources, components, categories...

Robin Sonefors ozamosi at
Sat May 27 23:26:40 UTC 2006

When reading through the dapper documentation (and also the associated
programs, such as synaptic and g-a-i), I can't help but notice that the
vocabulary for where programs are downloaded seems quite undefined.

There's something that Ubuntu has one - where all the packages are.

And there's something ubuntu has a few - breezy, dapper,
breezy-backports, hoary-security etc.

Then there's something which Ubuntu has four - main, restricted,
universe, multiverse.

Where do the terms in my topic fit in? The Xubuntu guide (the one I'm
currently translating, but absolutely not the only one) seems to use the
word categories for main, restricted etc, but that word is already taken
by the... categories - graphics, e-mail etc.

What's a repository? What's a component? What's an archive? What's a
source? And all the  other words for the same thing. There should be
documentation for this - not necessarily for the end-user, but for
program and documentation authors. If there is, then everything should
be validated against it.
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