dual processors

Robin Sonefors ozamosi at blinkenlights.se
Tue May 23 20:38:55 UTC 2006

In Dapper, the standard kernel is SMP-enabled, so the tech guys has
already solved this.

tis 2006-05-23 klockan 22:27 +0200 skrev Duncan Lithgow:
> As far as I can tell dual processors are getting more and more common.
> But there is no CD image supporting them because the 686 kernels are
> not shipped on the CDs. So anyone with a dual processor (like my new
> laptop) has to ask in the email list or search for a solution. I think
> such a fundamental thing as this should be solved onboard. So, what to
> do?
> Well until some tech guy comes up with a great idea i suggest we think
> about having something in the documentation about it under hardware.
> It'd be an easy entry. I'd be happy to try and write it if that would
> help.
> So, who thinks that's the way to do this for now?
> Duncan
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