proposed new members for Ubuntu Documentation Project (and svn access)
Jerome Gotangco
jgotangco at
Fri May 12 14:09:18 UTC 2006
Hi guys,
It's been a while since we last met (in a meeting), so I guess the ML
is the best option for now to propose new UDP members for svn access.
2 of my peers in Edubuntu are requesting to be part of the
Documentation Team and have contributed significantly for
documentation in the distro and the wiki. Both are ubuntu members as
well so this would be more on formalizing their entry.
1) Andrea Veri (Bluekuja)
Andrea is a member of the Italian team and an active member of
Edubuntu. He has been writing a lot for Edubuntu documentation,
specifically on EdubuntuSchoolAdvocacy, which is already in svn
(thanks to Jordan for uploading it).
Andrea has also made significant contributions to translations on some
applications as seen on his wiki page.
2) Pete Savage (cbx33)
Pete has been with Edubuntu for quite a while and have shown strong
interest in improving documentation for Edubuntu. He is co-authoring
the EdubuntuSchoolAdvocacy page with Andrea, and will eventually
become part of Edubuntu's release notes page. Pete has also
contributed significantly in the wiki with his Edubuntu-related howtos
and tutorials (check his wiki page).
Pete is our first Edubuntu member approved by the Edubuntu council,
hence he is now an ubuntu member as well.
Votes of confidence can be sent to the list :)
Also, just to start the discussion, what do you guys think would be a
good time to hold a meeting, what to discuss, what to prepare, etc.
Jerome G.
Jerome Gotangco
jgotangco at | jgotangco at
Mobile: +639196555242
GPG: 0xA97B69A0
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