screen shot wiki page

Nico Veenkamp nico at
Sat Mar 25 08:11:12 UTC 2006


Sounds like a good idea. But I would like to point you to who
have made a habit of providing quality screenshots of all distro's as
soon as they become available.

Ubuntu 6.04 :) flight 5 for instance is shown here

I would suggest that you provide a link on the Screenshot page to the
OSdir screenshot page to prevent doubling work effort


Op vr, 24-03-2006 te 17:29 +0000, schreef Henrik Nilsen Omma:
> Hi List,
> I know some of you are taking (or planning to take) screen shots for 
> various guides. I set up a page a few weeks ago under the art pages to 
> try to gather some shots together in one place: 
> Quality shots of the standard desktop would be useful for many things in 
> addition to documentation, including the website, the WinFOSS browser 
> and Impress presentations. It would be great to have a central place 
> where people could stop in and pick up screen shots known to be of the 
> standard desktop.
>   - Henrik
> --

Nico Veenkamp
Open Source Solutions for Internet (OSSFI)
T: 06-53193353
E: nico at

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