[PATCH] Entities and validation part 2

Venkat Raghavan venkatraghavan at gmail.com
Thu Mar 16 23:12:12 UTC 2006

On Thursday 16 March 2006 13:40, Rocco Stanzione wrote:
> The rest of the patches...
> Rocco Stanzione
Applied all patches except the ones for packaging guide (Jordan will apply 
separately). I applied the ones to Kubuntu Desktop Guide separately, as it 
was not validating (xincludes need to be done).

Applied as revision 2625. Thanks, good job. 

Venkat 'robotgeek' Raghavan
Email: venkatvc (at) ubuntu.com | venkatraghavan (at) gmail (dot) com
GPG Key: 0xE9E707A9
Homepage: http://robotgeek.org

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