using a period in lists? (change to in steps)

a boy name sue imtheface at
Fri Mar 10 20:38:11 UTC 2006

> "No period on the end of a list" makes sense to me; I'll look out for
> it
> while I'm going through  the UDG  from now on assuming Matt & the rest
> agree.
> Andy, if you could post a list of which sections you've noticed these
> errors
> in, that would help - or post a series of patches to the list, if you
> want
> to do this editing yourself. Thanks!

hi brian,
What I said about a period  on last email, well actually it isn't in the
lists but inside step procedure - sorry for the mistake :) - ... at
first i just read udg in htlm form so i thought <step> (1. 2. 3.. ) was
part of the list (*) then when I read udg docbook form, i found they
both different ... and what i want to ask you on last email is about
using a period at the end of  step in a procedure. (according to
styleguide we should use a periode) ... so i send the patch to fix some
typos in <step> which doesn't have a period! catch this and cheers!


[ Andy Apdhani ]
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