Multimedia & ISDN pages now with release tagging

launchpad.roncero at launchpad.roncero at
Wed Jun 14 21:16:22 UTC 2006

> Nice work on this. However, there is another mplayer page 
> -
> This ought to be integrated, otherwise users will get 
> confused about which guide they should be using.

I've consolidated this page into the one that links off MM
right now. I think it should redirect to the new page once
we have a proper home for it. :-)

> I'm not convinced that having Mplayer as a subpage of 
> the MultimediaApplications is necessarily a good idea 
> - this isn't the practise elsewhere on the wiki or on 
> other wikis, and maintaining a tree structure wiki 
> would be extremely difficult. I don't have a problem
> having different subpages for version specific instruc-
> tions, but I think a tree structure grouping different 
> applications will not work.

I agree. The mplayer page and its subpages should probably
just go under instead. 
I suppose that makes me an advocate for what has been 
pointed out a lot, namely stripping wiki page names of
"Howto" or "InstallHowto" when possible.


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