wiki page for rss-glx rename

Richard Johnson nixternal at
Wed Jun 7 07:03:23 UTC 2006

Hey there,

	I just finished applying the  WikiGuide's Style and Guidelines to rss-glx 
( #370 (currently) on the CategoryCleanup 
list. After reviewing and working with this wiki page, I have to a conclusion 
that this page should be renamed in order to fit the style and guidelines. My 
proposed name would either be RSSGLXHowTo or RSS-GLXHowTo. I don't believe 
that this is a highly viewed area on the wiki, but that is for you to 
determine. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns please feel free 
to contact me. Thank you.

Rich Johnson (nixternal)
"The best thing about democracy is that it gives every voter a chance to do 
something stupid."
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