Wiki pages that apply to only one release

Carl K carl at
Tue Jun 6 07:33:36 UTC 2006

Corey Burger wrote:
> There are a fair number of wiki pages that only apply to one release,
> mostly becuase they deal with a hardware issue that has been solved in
> a later release. After Warty EOLed, I went around and cleaned up
> reference to it from our docs. This was an annoying task, because I
> had to go and find each page. Therefor I would like to propose a
> process of tagging pages for releases. This does raise a number of
> issues:
> 1. Do we tag all pages or only pages that are for a specific release?
> 2. Do we use the name or the number of the release (Hoary vs 5.04) in
> the category name
> 3. Do we all agree that removing docs for non-security supported
> releases is a good thing?
> 4. Any other issues I forgot about?
> What we should get out of this is a clear policy (oh how I hate that
> word) about what we do with old releases on the wiki, etc.
> Cheers,
> Corey
policy - yeah.. right word/thing.

I understand the need to keep docs for the older releases (meaning less 
than current) but it sure would be nice to be able to identify what 
release info a page is relevant too, both for housecleaning and also 
normal use:  if I am still on Breezy and need WPA, it hardly helps to 
know what has been fixed in dapper, and if I am on Dapper it doesn't 
help much to know what was needed for breezy (apparenly big change in 
WPA things in dapper.)  I admit there is a little help knowing the 
shortcomings and recent improvements, but  I think it would be much more 
helfull if the 2 were split apart.


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