Categories on the new wiki

karderio karderio at
Fri Jul 7 11:31:40 UTC 2006

On Wed, 2006-07-05 at 13:31 -0700, Brian Burger wrote:
> The alternate to this sort of categorization is to have a link at the
> bottom of every page that goes straight back to the sub-index page
> it's associated with. In this instance, instead of using
> CategorySecurity, just have a link back to Security at the bottom.
> Doing things this way would probably be better if we want to reserve
> Categories for some "how reliable is this info" sorting system. 

Seems logical to link back to the index page, I've been going mad on
adding cartouches to the GnomeDocumentationProject's wiki pages
recently. Perhaps something like this, maybe a little less obtrusive,
could be used - MoinMoin includes seem very useful.
(this page is outdated, but is has two of the critters)

Just an idea on the heap ;)

Love, Karderio

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