Kubuntu Desktop Guide, Work Underway
Jonathan Jesse
jjesse at iserv.net
Sat Jan 28 17:17:52 UTC 2006
It is awesome to see more work done on Kubuntu docs. I'll be hacking away at the adept guide to get it updated and ready. The goal with that is to get it upstream to KDE docs and then we will pull it through there.
In regards to the CSS, Riddell has a Kubuntu CSS that he will apply to the documents once they are ready to go. Notice that the releasenotes has a different look then the quickguide does.
I'll look at your changes at make comments, I can commit things on monday for you if you send me the .diff
-----Original Message-----
From: ubuntu-doc-bounces at lists.ubuntu.com
[mailto:ubuntu-doc-bounces at lists.ubuntu.com]On Behalf Of Venkat Raghavan
Sent: Saturday, January 28, 2006 10:38 AM
To: ubuntu-doc at lists.ubuntu.com
Subject: Kubuntu Desktop Guide, Work Underway
I finally started work on the Kubuntu Desktop Guide. Right now, I am just
taking the Ubuntu Desktop Guide and modifying it, the chapters which will
follow will be tougher.
I have a few questions:
* Should i refer directly to Adept Guide (or other guides already present) ,
instead of copy/pasting the content in this guide directly?
* I added a few entries to "ubuntu-doc/libs/global.ent" on my local
installation, is this okay for svn?
* I have used the ubuntu-book.css, kubuntu will have one soon? or do I have
to make one?
A preview of my latest work is always available at
(replace hxxp by http)
There are lots of errors right now, but i will fix them as time goes on. Also,
Docbook is new to me, so I will ask obvious questions from time to time.
One more person has expressed interest in the docs (kkathman on
irc.freenode.net), I will coordinate with him and ease him into helping us on
the Desktop Guide.
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