Joint UDSF/Forums/DocumentationTeam Meeting

Naaman Campbell naamanc2 at
Sat Jan 28 08:15:07 UTC 2006

On 1/28/06, Corey Burger <corey.burger at> wrote:
> On 1/27/06, Brian Burger <blurdesign at> wrote:
> > Naaman, great idea - have you had any feedback from the UDSF/Forums folks
> > yet?
> >
> >  Too bad 2100Z is 1300hrs local here - I'll be at work and IRCless. The
> > hazards of a worldwide community...
> >
> >  Brian.
> Sadly I will be in Toronto on a business trip and thus will be unable to attend.
> Corey

Brothers Burger,

The date I have set is purely tentative and I would like it to change
to accommodate your whereabouts around this time.  Please suggest a
date and time that would fit in with my schedule as well.  I would
like a better time as well, the time translates to 7am Saturday
morning - I need to leave home for a flight at 9.15am.  The meeting
may exceed this time.  I will also be away from the Internet for a few
days after this time as well.

The best time for the Vancouver folk would be 11pm on Thursday night. 
The link to the time -
- equates to 5pm Brisbane time on a Friday afternoon.  Let me know if
it suits and I can change the time.

I would really appreciate Corey being in attendance, given his strong
views on the agenda items.


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