Moin 1.5 .1 &Moin-desktop 1.5.1-1 release used in tandem with the old release

Shirish Agarwal shirishag75 at
Thu Jan 26 23:22:23 UTC 2006

Hi guys,
          I know most of you guys are at ease with the shell & hence 
enjoy playing around with the code/syntax by hand to update the wiki. 
But regular joe's like me would like a better/pleasing interface to 
update stuff. Also lot of things like images  & eye-candy
is not happening because of the moin engine.
            I know it's early days yet as moin 1.5.1 got released on the 
22nd & the desktop counterpart on the 24th of this month but can we have 
at some point some kind of experimental support for the new release 
along/side-by-side the old one. The idea being
that people who're comfortable with the old wiki can continue using the 
old stable one & guys like me who would like to contribute
can do so without coming in the way of the seasoned contributors without 
making too many newbie mistakes. :)
           Another thing is that if we have a new release then I could 
work with the Moin guys by simply filing bugs/feature requests
so that our wiki is one of the best wikis on the planet & then they 
could be incorporated in the help docs, screenshots, icons & all :)

                             Shirish Agarwal
                          Life is a dream Enjoy it!
                          Creative Commons, Attribution
                          Non-commercial, non-derivative 

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