Getting Started Guide - Patch

Matthew East mdke at
Thu Jan 26 13:26:04 UTC 2006

On Thu, 2006-01-26 at 21:33 +1000, Naaman Campbell wrote:
> Attached is my suggested changes to the Getting Started Guide
> (getting-started.xml) for Breezy Badger.

Hi Naaman, thanks very much for this (huge) patch ;) Some quick comments

In general, lots of good deletions of unnecessary words and phrases,
thanks! Occasionally, there are some unnecessary changes, like the

-    Ubuntu does not and will never cost anything.
+    Ubuntu does not and will not cost anything.

architecture. Around the same time, the GNU project, launched in
1984, was making progress on their UNIX OS clone, lacking, for
-    all practical purposes, only a kernel. Linux, unlike the GNU
+    all practical purposes, a kernel. Linux, unlike the GNU

-    <para>You can find out more about this philosophy <ulink
+    <para>You can find out more about the philosophy <ulink

Also, there is the occasional specific thing I don't think we should

-    Linux kernel</ulink>, pronounced
-    'lee-nucks'
+    Linux kernel.</ulink>
+    <!-- pronounciation section ommitted to avoid the 'Line-ucks vs
Lin-ucks' argument -->

Here I feel that _including_ rather than omitting the correct
pronunciation is the best way to avoid such an argument :)

-     projects from which you've certainly benefitted in the
+     projects from which you've certainly benefitted from in the

It was correct the first time - there is already a "from" in the first
part of the sentence.

-     UNIX style operating system which is free software: the GNU
+     UNIX style operating system which is comprised wholly by free
software: the GNU

Should be "comprised of".

The use of "shell" as opposed to "command prompt" (which you've
explained in a comment) - I kinda see where you are coming from on this,
but I'm not 100% convinced, perhaps we should open this up to further
discussion. The problems are, I think, that (a) command prompt is better
understood by those coming from Windows (using similar terminology to
Windows is not _always_ a disadvantage) and (b) we need to check which
term is used through the book and in our other documents. In general I
would be tempted to explain both, and then use either :) But I don't see
anything wrong with "command prompt".

As for the rest, it looks broadly good stuff to me: I can't promise I've
looked at absolutely every change though.

So, how to proceed... would you mind creating a new patch and trying to
address the small comments I've made above? Then we can apply the patch

In your final patch, you don't need to include the comments <!-- blah
-->. They were helpful when reading your patch, but when we apply it, I
think we don't need them!

Thanks very much indeed, and we look forward to committing your work!

mdke at
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