Error making the desktop guide

Naaman Campbell naamanc2 at
Thu Jan 26 07:26:11 UTC 2006

Hello all,

A condition of my Ubuntu membership being granted was that I join the doc
team (sounds like a Parole Hearing).

Keeping in-line with the conditions of my parole, I have proof-read the
Breezy desktop guide and have made numerous changes.  I also wish to start
from the top of the wiki CategoryCleanup pages and work my way down, in
unison with other WikiTeam members, of course :)

When I follow the guide
on how to compile the changes made to the XML file, I am presented with the
following errors:

ncampbell at naaman:~/docs/ubuntu-doc/ubuntu$ make dg
--- Building the Desktop Guide . . .
--- Removing existing build files (if any). . .
rm -f ../build/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/*.*
rm -f ../build/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/sample/*
--- Building files . . .
rm -f ../build/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/*.*
xsltproc --stringparam collect.xref.targets "only" --stringparam
targets.filename "desktopguide/C/db/desktopguide.db" libs/desktopguide-
html-chunk-cust.xsl desktopguide/C/desktopguide.xml
warning: failed to load external entity
compilation error: file libs/desktopguide-html-chunk-cust.xsl line 6 element
xsl:import : unable to load
make: *** [dg-C] Error 5

I have the docbook package installed, and there is no
/usr/share/xml/docbook/stylesheet directory.  The
~/docs/ubuntu-doc/build/ubuntu directory is also empty.

Thanks for your help,

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