Ubuntu Starter Guide - gnump3d

Peter Garrett peter.garrett at optusnet.com.au
Fri Jan 20 23:43:51 UTC 2006

Just a note regarding the documentation for " Streaming Media Server" in
the Starter Guide for 5.10.

The howto for "gnump3d" recommends setting the user to root. In 
in the comments I read this:

#  For the benefit of fellow computer users is recommended that you run the
# server as a user such as 'nobody', and allow people read-only access to
# your audio files.

In the guide, however, the user is recommended to be set as root when the
storage directory is changed from /var/music to /home/music

<quoted from the guide>

Find this line

user = gnump3d


Replace with the following line

user = root

</quoted bits>

I haven't found a bug on launchpad for this - perhaps it isn't a bug but a
decision ? I have set the user to "nobody" as recommended in the config
file, which appears to work fine with a test file (in /home/music which has
by default root ownership with 755 permissions.)


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