serverguide - couple of comments

Matthew East mdke at
Sun Jan 15 22:37:31 UTC 2006

Hi all,

I had a quick look at the serverguide this evening, and reviewed the
openssh section. It looks pretty good and I've marked it as complete now
after making a few structural changes, but I have a few minor comments
based on what I read.

 * Too many words - often the same phrases are repeated and too many
words are used when few will suffice :) See the styleguide for more on
 * Use of wiki resources - Thanks to Bshumate there is a lot of detailed
material on openssh in the wiki, I think we should be using as much of
that as possible to give the user greater insight into how the program
works. At the moment the openssh section (and this will probably apply
to other sections) is quite short and the user needs more detail for it
to be really helpful. Either we can copy the wiki material in directly,
or refer to it, I'm not sure which is best. What are peoples' thoughts? 
 * [minor] Status tags - no need to give second level sections status
tags in my opinion. Just chapters and sect1 will suffice, otherwise the
status reports look a bit confused.

mdke at
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