
Matthew East mdke at
Mon Jan 9 08:54:22 UTC 2006

On Sun, 2006-01-08 at 23:39 -0800, Hil wrote:
> This is my first work to contribute to ubuntu doc 
> ~/ubuntu-doc/kubuntu/adeptguide/C/adeptguide.xml diff file is attached. I am 
> so excited to wait for my name to be put on 

Hi there Hil,

Your patch looks fine from the technical point of view. I'll let Troy or
another member who is familiar with that document look at the content
and commit your change. Just one comment on your patch: 

+<!-- Added by Hil freehil at -->

You don't need to add this comment, just feel free to add material where
you think fit.

Just to address some of the other issues you've raised in this and
previous posts.

1. DocteamProjects - this page doesn't list all the contributors I'm
afraid, it just notes who are the contacts for each document.

2. Wiki Page Errors - go ahead and fix any typos on wiki pages, anyone
can edit them. As for the ubuntu website, we don't have access to that
I'm afraid.

3. Building Documents - you don't use docbook2html to build the
documents. The "make adept" that you did makes the documents ready for
display with the kubuntu help reader, that is how the documents go into
the distribution. If you want to build plain html for viewing privately,
use "make adept-web". Sorry that isn't very clear, we'll try and update
our wiki pages to make it clearer.

Any more questions, feel free to ask here!

Thanks for your contribution to Ubuntu,

mdke at
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