Thought on WikiCleanupProposal versioning

Ross Bigelow rbigelow at
Thu Feb 23 12:08:49 UTC 2006

On 2/22/06, Corey Burger <corey.burger at> wrote:
> This has two major issues:
> 1. Mass moves suck

I am sorry, I did not realize this would be a major issue. I have
never administered a MoinMoin wiki, but I know in other wiki engines
mass moving is almost as easy as mv /src /dest. (I am not suggesting
we change!) I can imagine the potential issues if the wiki doesn't
support internal relative naming, and we attempted to create an
sql-gawk/sed script.

> 2. Good URLs never break

I couldn't agree more with this. It is partially one of the reasons I
proposed this. However after sleeping on it was also thinking it makes
more sence if  /current was simply /.

In addition I also feel that there is value in history. My initial
rationale was that since project goal has an 18-month shelf life, it
would be likely that someone may be using a version that is not the
current release, and if the wiki documentation didn't show the exact
same screenshots, menus and programs, this could cause frustration. I
guess as long as there is a document archive containing the primary
guides sorted by version then this need is met.


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