lists vs procedures WAS: Patch for Kubuntu Desktop Guide: Games Section

Jeff Schering jeffschering at
Wed Feb 15 06:57:56 UTC 2006

On 2/14/06, Brian Burger <blurdesign at> wrote:
> Actually, in the Ubuntu Desktop Guide, we/I replaced the qandasets
> with sectX tags (sect1, sect2, etc), and mdke has been replacing our
> orderedlists with itemizedlists (going from numbered lists to just
> bullet points, in other words...)
Procedures such as those found in the common tasks section of the
desktop starter guide need to be numbered. Bulleted lists are not used
in procedure steps, and only when the order of list items is not

Both the orderedlist tag and the itemizedlist tags are not the correct
tags for procedure steps. Instead, we should be using the procedure
tag. See and also,
from the KDE Docbook Authors Guide:


Jeff Schering
GPG: F23C67E8

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