
Will Simpson at
Fri Dec 29 13:29:52 UTC 2006

On 12/29/06, Matthew East <mdke at> wrote:
> > 4. You can link to the system manual for f-spot, rather than the online one.
> >
> >> There is no f-spot system manual.
> There is one on my system (maybe it's new).

Because of a hardware failure, I've had to reinstall edgy. So on a
fresh install, all I get when I search for 'f-spot' in yelp is the man
page which only talks about the switches. F-spot itself has no help
menu item. I have version 0.2.1.

> >>>> 2. Could find no mention of scanners in the Ubuntu documentation? I
> >>>> user 'rgrep scanner ubuntu-doc/ubuntu/C/*' I plan on rectifying this
> >>>> soon.
> > You're right, we don't have any. Maybe it can be included in the
> > Printing section. Note that you will possibly find some helpful material
> > at although it may not
> > be 100% reliable.
> >
> >
> >> No scanning help in the Ubuntu Book either.
> >> Again, as a photographer I don't really relate scanning to printing.
> >> To me scanning, photo manipulation, graphic design has more to do with
> >> imaging that music, video or printing. Semantics I guess.
> Well, it depends on where you are coming from I think. Where I work, we
> use scanning for documents, and the scanner is next to the printer and
> fax machine. At home, my scanner *is* my printer. That's why I think
> they are similar peripherals.

Good point about the popularity of the all-in-one
fax-printer-scanners. I think of mine as almost a camera, as a way to
capture images. Maybe there could be a <xref> linking the printing and
the photo help?

> Matt

Will Simpson
Moscow, Idaho
irc nick: linuxphotogeek

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